Tiff, or Thorn.

The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis.
David Lynch, “The Angriest Dog in the World.” LA Weekly, 1983-1992.

Tiff, or Thorn.

it/that/the dog, auxiliary she. terms page.
tma genderless early 20s adult dog.
mixed, mainly look and say black.
blog mostly for therian content.
dm/ask off anon for main if wanted.
would prefer no under 18 interaction.

Tiff, or Thorn.

LIKES: music. typically punk, thrashcore, (post-)hardcore, emoviolence, grindcore. bones. wrestling. moshing. skunks.
substance use. spiked collars.
QUIZZES: fighting type, maroon, chaotic good, classic werewolf, touch tank, nightmare/discord.

Tiff, or Thorn.

Some definitions are my relationship to a term.

agendog; a gender that is agender, but in the way that a dog does not know anything about gender, and thus has none.

arospec; a romantic orientation that is closely related to aromanticism, but not labelled any more specifically than that.

autipup; a neurogender that can only be fully understood and expressed in the context of being autistic and a dog.

caninarian; a xenogender alignment to animals that are of the canis genus, in my case specifically dogs and wolves.

corpsething; a gender related to being a corpse and being a thing, being a thing that is a corpse among those who still live.

deadthing; a gender related to being dead and being a thing, being a thing that is dead among those who are living.

decomposegender; a gender slowly rotting and decomposing. either already dead, dying, or in the process of decay. it is gross and unnerving.

dogboygender; a gender related to dogboys and being a dogboy. the "boy" in it is a non-literal playful usage, similar to saying tomboy.

dogthing; a gender related to being a dog and being a thing, being a doglike thing that is unclear, being a dogthing.

dogtix; a neurogender that can only be described by or through dogs, as a result of relationship to being neurodivergent.

frankengender; a gender that is decaying and not fully organic. it was stitched together and handmade. connected to death, and rebirth.

genderless; a lack of connection to traditionally thought of gender identity, neither a man or woman in typical usage.

grotesquething; a gender related to being a thing that is grotestque, a thing that disgusts, a thing that invokes repulsion.

howlgender; a subset of canine xenogenders such as wolfgender/doggender, specifically around howling as a feeling.

pupgender; a gender with qualities associated with puppies, that is puppy-like, or holds connection to puppies.

rabiespunk; a movement for nd trans people to reclaim having experienced being treated as animals, contagious, diseased, etc.

rabiesan; a gender connected to the above term, embracing having been treated as an animal, contagious, diseased, etc.

rotaeus; a gender related to rot and decay, being a thing that is dead and exists in a prolonged state of rot and decay.

rotgender; a gender that is connected to the process of rotting, being a corpse, and gorey decay of an undead nature.

rotdog/pup; a subset of the genders rotaeus and dog/pupgender, connected to dogs and relating to the concept of decay.

therigender; a gender influenced by therian identity, specifically intended for those who choose to use “the animal” pronouns.

transfem; an umbrella term for trans individuals that were coercively assigned male at birth and now connect with womanhood.

vicicanis; a gender linked to vicious/dangerous canines, along with guarding, self-preservation, hunting, dignity, and wildness.

voracicanidaen; a gender that is connected with vicious or dangerous canines, or at least those percieved as such.

wolfthing; a gender related to being a wolf and being a thing, being a wolflike thing that is unclear, being a wolfthing.

Tiff, or Thorn.

i am
yiffy, unfortunately. (not therian/kin.)
a large black dog/wolf therian.
specifically wolf, shepherd, and husky.
also fictkin w spike, , and brigitte.
and pokekin w poochyena.